Monday, April 30, 2007

Are pharmacists content to contribute directly to the epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes?

Caroline Apovian, a researcher at Boston University School of Medicine, commented that the study “provides strong, scientifically sound evidence that excess calories from soft drinks are directly contributing to the epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes” and that “reducing sugars sweetened beverage consumption may be the best single opportunity to curb the obesity epidemic.” (Apovian CM. Sugar-sweetened soft drinks, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. JAMA. 2004; 292:978–9.).
For a full analysis read: Liquid Candy: How Soft Drinks Are Harming Americans’ Health by Michael F. Jacobson, Ph.D. published by the Center for Science in the Public Interest Washington, D.C.

Suggestions for the consumer & patient. Choosing what and when to eat takes some careful consideration. Here are some healthy tips to help stave off the hunger pangs and keep energy levels up throughout the day. Here are some ideas courtesy of the CBC:

Suggestions for the clinicians. A complete copy of the 2006 Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management and Prevention of Obesity in Adults and Children can be found at The word pharmacist or pharmacy does not appear once in these guidelines published by the Canadian Medical Association Journal. What an opportunity!

Suggestions for pharmacists. From the University of Saskatchewan some enlightening news. For starters: Pharmacy and nutrition are taught in the same program. Their College of Pharmacy and Nutrition recommends that you “don't recommend natural weight loss products to patients. The most dependable way to safely lose weight is still lifestyle modification - reducing caloric intake and increasing exercise.”

So if pharmacists want to make a difference – they might start by clearing their shelves of tarts and treats. Check out these photos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a very nice post, and I want to see how others react to this.