Thursday, January 4, 2007

Dr. Penny Ballem, Leadership & the CBC

Leadership comes in many forms. Dr. Penny Ballem is one. BC providers and policy makers can be proud of presentations she makes in other parts of the country. To find her December 06 presentation click here. After hearing and seeing this, radio pundits (including the CBC) interviewed her and bloggers took note of her comments. Listen here.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Leaders in research are not the same!

What constitutes leadership in research units? Leading a group of researchers is a very different proposition than leading in healthcare organizations, and the product is different. How do research leaders attract researchers to work in their units particularly under circumstances when the unit does not pay the salaries of the unit members? What is the relationship between leader and unit members? How does the agenda for research get developed and what is the role of the leader in setting the agenda? Are there some leadership styles that are more effective in research units than others and how do effective leaders figure this out?

Interdisciplinarity has become the watchword for research funding in Canada; however, it may not be as dominant in other countries. What is the interdisciplin-ary constitution of research units, how was that reached, and what are the advantages and disadvantages? Is there a difference in attracting nurse researchers and non-nurse researchers to nurse-led research units? See the whole article here.

Dorothy Pringle, PhD

Editor in Chief

Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership